How to Sell Your Novel: Query Letters, Synopses, and Elevator Pitches

Stanford Continuing Studies
Mondays, 6:00 – 8:30 pm (PT) 8 weeks, July 7-August 25
Course Format: Live Online

You may have spent months, or even years, working on your novel. But in today’s crowded market, to persuade an agent or publisher to take it on, you will need to complete three additional pieces of writing: a query letter, a synopsis, and an elevator pitch (a very brief verbal summation of your novel). These are notoriously difficult to craft, so most fiction writers put them off until the last minute. But having them written and in place can be a great resource when you're drafting or editing your novel. They’re like a flag in the hole—something to aim at. Some agents even advise writing your pitch pieces before writing your book. In this course, we will work together, step by step, through the crafting of each element of your pitching toolkit. We will workshop and critique each draft in small breakout groups and explore different strategies according to your genre and your individual strengths. Each student will end the course with a pitch practice that will be “judged” by an invited agent, published author, or editor. This is a highly interactive course, with both individual and group exercises that will give you a new way of looking at and discussing your work. Come ready to take lots of notes and be prepared for homework. Leave with pitching tools that will help focus and strengthen your novel and eventually, sell your work.

This course, taught for the first time with Lisa Manterfield, is designed primarily for novelists and writers of narrative memoir. The information covered will be less applicable to anthologies of short fiction or poetry, and to most nonfiction. Participation requires a commitment to writing between classes (up to 1,000 words) and to reading closely and commenting carefully on the work of others (up to 5,000 words)..


lisbon and obidos retreat

May 20-26 , 2025

Come write in community in a magical Portugal, in our own tiny medieval castle in the walled city of Obidos—the heart of Portuguese poetry and literature.

We will be an intimate group of six, and we will be spending our first two nights in Lisbon getting acclimatized and enjoying the lively city. A comfortable private transfer will pick us up from our hotel and take us to the magical medieval town of Obidos.

We will gather for breakfasts overlooked by our own suit of armor, and share our work each evening in a fabulous vaulted library. All breakfasts and lunches in Obidos are included; we will eat out as a group for dinners. The initial chip-in for the dinner kitty is €450. A private transfer will take us to the airport at the end of the retreat.

Room assignments are first come, first served.
Deluxe/Queen with ensuite and balcony = $550/night
Superior/Queen with ensuite = $490/night
Superior/Double with ensuite = $470/night



Pt. cabrillo retreat

March 7-11, 2025

Come write in community in a historic light keeper's house or neighboring cottage. There will be nothing between us and the sea except the lighthouse itself, with lots of walks on the surrounding headlands.

We will gather at the Assistant Lightkeeper's House for meals, and share our work each evening around its dining table. All meals are included: self-serve breakfast, cooked lunch, wine and nibbles, and hearty dinners.

Room assignments are first come, first served.
Queen with ensuite bath, ocean view = $400/night
Queen with ensuite bath, reserve view = $385/night
Queen with shared bath, ocean view = $375/night
Queen with shared bath, reserve view = $365/night
King cottage with own bath = $385/night



retreat notifications

My retreats tend to book full because past retreaters are given first dibs. However, I plan to host five retreats in 2025 and another five in 2026, so I’m sure spots will open up. To be notified if there is a room available, please complete the form below. You need only register once. Notifications are sent to everybody who has shown an interest, because I appreciate it! Then, it’s first come, first served.


Hear what we hope you’ll get out of this course!

Hear what this 2024 participant got out of her experience.

2025 publishing intensive

January 29 to March 26, 2025; eight Wednesdays 6:00pm-8:30pm PT, on Zoom
Maximum 12 participants

General Registration is now open for my 2025 publishing intensive with Lisa Manterfield, an information-packed course that covers nearly everything you need to consider, decide, and know in order to successfully publish or be published. This year, we will be offering this intensive even more intensively: as a hands-on, roll-your-sleeves-up, let’s-do-this-together series of workshops. In other words, in addition to sharing our extensive and varied experience, we’ll be sitting down and working with you in small groups. You will also get the chance to meet and learn from three industry experts: a bookseller, an agent, and a book marketer. As should be evident from the syllabus below, this program has been designed to give you concrete tools like a critiqued query letter and an actionable publishing plan in order to fast-track you towards your publishing goals. Why not make it happen in 2025?

All meetings will be held on Zoom, from 6:00pm-8:30pm PT, on Wednesdays from January 29th to March 26th.

WEEK 1 - 01/29/25 — How to think about your book

WEEK 2 - 02/05/25 — How to talk about your book

WEEK 3 - 02/12/25 — How to pitch your book

WEEK 4 - 02/19/25 — What happens next: Traditional publishing

WEEK 5 - 02/26/25 — What happens next: Alternative paths

WEEK 6 - 03/05/25 — Donning your marketing hat

WEEK 7 - 03/12/25 — More ideas for book marketing

03/19/25—NO MEETING but lots of prep homework

WEEK 8 - 03/26/25 — Your publishing action plan and next steps


* * *

We hope you find this proposed syllabus as exciting and robust as we do! The fee for this high-touch 8-week course, including close mentorship, class notes and additional resources, a folio of worksheets, your critiqued query letter and elevator pitch, as well as your drafted publishing plan, is $1,080, payable in two installments: 50% deposit to reserve your seat, and the 50% balance one month before class starts.

To register, simply click here, fill in your details and select a payment option. The limited seats will be secured in the order in which payment is received and we will send you an email confirmation.



January 25, 2025

We will be gathering at a luxurious private home looking down at the harbor of Half Moon Bay, less than 45 minutes south of San Francisco. Plenty of accommodation is available close by for those who want to make a weekend of it.

Our full-day program will take you on a delicious, productive, and camaraderie-packed journey that will strengthen your all-important first pages, so critical to selling your book.

10:00am - Arrival and breakfast together
11:00am - Morning First Pages critique group/workshop with dev editors Heather Lazare and Lisa Manterfield
1:00pm - Buffet lunch
2:00pm - An Author’s Journey — Interview and Q&A
3:00pm - Afternoon First Pages critique group/workshop with dev editors Heather Lazare and Lisa Manterfield
5:00pm - Wine and canapés, informal networking
6:00pm - Closing dinner
7:00pm - “Ask the three of us anything” — Q&A over dessert
8:00pm - Hugs and farewells


Participation in this mini retreat is juried in and limited to twelve writers total. Spots are assigned on a rolling basis so early submissions have an advantage.

The fee for the retreat, including all food and drink, two workshops, written feedback on your first pages from five peers and a professional dev editor, a seminar, and two dedicated Q&A sessions—not to mention great camaraderie and new connections—is $595.

If you wish to participate, send your first 5,000 words in professional manuscript format (12pt double spaced serif type) with extra-wide margins (1.25 inches top and sides, 1.5 inches bottom) in both .docx and .pdf formats to before November 15, 2024. As mentioned, submissions will be read as they are received and spots will be assigned on a rolling basis, so you have an advantage if you submit early. Please do not submit more than 5,000 words, although it is OK to submit less.

Judging will be finalized and acceptance notifications sent by December 15, 2024—won’t that be a nice surprise in your stocking? If you are accepted, you will be asked to pay the full amount of $595 immediately to hold your seat, so make sure you have some holiday money set aside! You will also have the opportunity to re-submit your first pages, if you have been tinkering with or polishing them in the meantime.

On receipt of your payment, you will receive the name of your group leader and your group leader’s personal instructions on how to evaluate the reading and approach the critique ahead of you. On January 1, 2025, to kick off the new year, you will be sent the first pages of the rest of your group, and your own first pages will find six new readers.

Critiquing is one of the most valuable skills you can learn as a writer. The ability to think critically about work strengthens the ability to write, immeasurably. So, giving the 25,000 words of your group-mates your careful consideration, and noting your feedback with sensitivity but actionable frankness, is an important part of what you can do for yourself. It is also a mandatory part of this program, and your enrollment is an agreement to contribute generously, just as you will benefit from the generous contribution of others. You will be expected to bring your group’s first pages annotated with your notes to the retreat. This gives you just over three weeks to read. Please schedule your time to give every reading its due.

We hope you will join us for what we’re sure will prove a thoroughly enjoyable and productive event. If you have any questions, please reach out to Shirin at This is also the email for all submissions.

We’re looking forward to reading your pages, and to kicking off the writing year with you!

P.S. Please note that this retreat is open only to novelists or narrative memoirists who have at least their first 5,000 words polished.


san miguel de allende retreat

January 5-12, 2025

Come write in community in historic, artistic San Miguel de Allende. We will be ensconced in a beautiful house with plenty of writing nooks, both indoors and out (including a heated pool and a hot tub!), and with just as many communal areas for those who wish to write in community. Every other evening, we will gather around a fireplace to share and discuss our work in moderated critiques, and then commune again for more casual conversation over dinner en famille. On the days that we are not workshopping, we will explore what San Miguel has to offer and sample some fabulous eateries.

Self-serve breakfasts, rifle-the-fridge lunches, snacks throughout the day, wine and nibbles, three hearty dinners in one of the most romantic cities in the world, and three nights of workshopping are included.

King master suite, ensuite bath = $380/night
Queen with four poster, ensuite bath = $325/night
Queen with ensuite bath = $310/night
Casita queen with patio and ensuite = $310/night
Casita queen with ensuite = $295/night



your path through today’s publishing labyrinth

Writers of the Mendocino Coast (A Chapter of the California Writers Club)
Sunday, December 8, 2025; 2:30 – 4:00pm

You’re finally ready to get your book out into the world. But with so many bewildering publishing options available to authors today, how do you know which one is right for you?

In this seminar, offered with book coach Lisa Manterfield, we’ll talk about the many paths to publishing—traditional, self, hybrid, and more—and the rewards and frustrations of each. We’ll look at how your goals, your personality, and your book’s genre can help decide which option is most likely to bring you personal satisfaction, and we’ll show you what success could look like, both in our personal experiences, and with examples from both sides of the publishing divide.

Come with your questions, and leave with a better idea of what’s right for you.

To reserve your seat or for more information, contact the Writers of the Mendocino Coast.


An Author's Guide to Publishing: Getting Your Work into the World

Stanford Continuing Studies CW 26
6 weeks, October 21 – December 2
Mondays, 6:00 – 7:50 pm (PT)
No class on November 25
Course Format: Live Online


Are you finally ready to get your book out to your readers? But how will you accomplish that? In this workshop, we will go step by step through the “submit or self-publish” decision process. We will discuss how, to paraphrase the words of Seneca, no wind is a good wind unless you know which harbor you seek. With all the options now available, which publishing route is most likely to bring you personal satisfaction and success? If you're considering the traditional route, you will find out which strategies might maximize your chance of leapfrogging the slush pile and how to locate and identify the agents and publishers you should target. If self-publishing seems right for you, we will cover what self-publishing actually entails, flag key landmines to avoid, and assess the rewards that may be reaped from this exploding sector of the industry. Come with your questions and leave with a decision tree and some useful handouts. This course will include group discussion as well as question-and-answer time to give you an insider’s peek at the publishing industry.

This course, first taught over two days with Author, Editor, and Book Coach Lisa Manterfield, proved so successful that Stanford is currently offering a deeper, six-week workshop. Here’s what some of the participants had to say about our two-day course:

Organized, efficient, knowledgeable instructors who clearly demonstrated their expertise as well as care for fully informing the students. Exceptional content and teaching.

Outstanding course. Not theory. Actual how to. Great course.

I loved how thorough it was in the help it offered to get us published.

I hope it's offered again. Sign me up!

So excellent. Would take this again.



October 10-14, 2024

Come write in community on the banks of the Mokelumne River in the Sierra foothills. Plenty of writing nooks, both indoors and out (including a heated pool and a hot tub!) will give us lots of places to write alone or in community. Then, every evening, we will gather around the fireplace to share and discuss our work in moderated critiques, and then commune again for more casual conversation around the table at our family-style dinners.

Self-serve breakfasts, delicious lunches, snacks throughout the day, wine and nibbles, hearty dinners surrounded by acres of walnut groves and vineyards, accommodation, and three nights of workshopping are all included.

King master suite, ensuite bath = $585/night
Queen with private balcony, shared bath = $525/night
Queens, shared bath = $495/night
Shared twins, shared bath = $385/night



manuscript academy member’s lounge:
First page, mfa-style roundtable workshop

Thursday, September 19, 2024; 11:00am – 12:30pm PT

This is a members-only event, but automatically included with membership at the low monthly fee of $49.99/month. Find out about the benefits of membership.

The event is designed to give you the workshop roundtable experience, just like an MFA but in miniature: first pages, one night, small groups, and yours truly leading, facilitating, and moderating. You'll have the chance to submit your work for consideration by the panel. I will choose three pages; three will be drawn at random. Each gets ten minutes of feedback from the room.

Please note that by attending, you are agreeing to treat your fellow writers with kindness and respect--but respect also means telling them the truth, as kindly as you can.

You'll have a chance to send your work week-of; the selected pages will be emailed out to everyone the morning of the event so you can read, form thoughts, and see if they match mine. 
This event is open to all genres and age groups. 


Kefalonia retreat

May 15-22, 2024

So first, where are we going? That’s right: the yellow house with the ladder off the patio, straight into the waters off Fiskardo, Kefalonia, my favorite little town on my favorite island in Greece.

We will have nearly the whole house to ourselves (one room had already rented), with a mix of ensuites and shared baths. Note, all rooms but one will be rented as single pax only, to not tip us over for transport.

Over the seven days, we will workshop three nights. Those nights we will have dinners à la famille on a long table on the patio, with lively discussions and libations into the night. On the other nights, we can dine out together at local tavernas in Fiskardo, or take trips to spots like Assos, where some can climb up to the castle and others can just enjoy the sight of it. We can all decide what we want to do when we get there—I have plenty to suggest—and you can always opt out and stay home to write, knowing the conveniences of Fiskardo are just a stroll away.

Rates are $185 to $350/night. Fees quoted include your own room, breakfasts, lunches, snacks all day, three nights’ workshopping, three home-cooked dinners on those nights, wine in the evenings, airport pickups (if you arrive reasonably close to the rest of the group).



Pt. cabrillo retreat

May 1-5, 2024

Come write in community in a historic light keeper's house or neighboring cottage. There will be nothing between us and the sea except the lighthouse itself, with lots of walks on the surrounding headlands.

We will gather at the Assistant Lightkeeper's House for meals, and share our work each evening around its dining table. All meals are included: self-serve breakfast, cooked lunch, wine and nibbles, and hearty dinners.

Room assignments are first come, first served.
Queen with ensuite bath, ocean view = $390/night
Queen with ensuite bath, reserve view = $375/night
Queen with shared bath, ocean view = $375/night
Queen with shared bath, reserve view = $360/night
King cottage with own bath = $375/night




March 21-25, 2024

Come write in community on the banks of the Mokelumne River in the Sierra foothills. Plenty of writing nooks, both indoors and out (including a heated pool and a hot tub!) will give us lots of places to write alone or in community. Then, every evening, we will gather around the fireplace to share and discuss our work in moderated critiques, and then commune again for more casual conversation around the table at our family-style dinners.

Self-serve breakfasts, casual lunches, snacks throughout the day, wine and nibbles, and hearty dinners surrounded by acres of walnut groves and vineyards, accommodation, and workshopping are all included.

King master suite, ensuite bath = $550/night
Queen with private balcony, shared bath = $480/night
Queens, shared bath = $460/night



Eight-week publishing intensive Open for enrollments now!

Eight-week workshop, Tuesdays 6:00-8:30pm PT via Zoom, Jan 9-Feb 27, 2024
Enroll here.

Lisa Manterfield and I will be giving an eight-week publishing intensive, Jan 9-Feb 27; 8 Tuesdays, 6:00pm-8:30pm PT, via Zoom. This course aims to have all participants leave with their strategic, pitch, and marketing plans in place, and maybe even some completed materials in hand. Some of our industry friends will also be joining us to give you the benefit of their professional experience.

Watch the video to hear our general intensions, or look through the full syllabus here.

As will be evident from the syllabus, this program has been designed to give you concrete tools and an actionable plan to achieve your publishing goals. Why not in 2024?

The fee is $785. Register to join us!


LODI retreat

Nov 10-13, 2023

Come write in community in a beautiful hacienda. We will gather around the fireplace to share and discuss our work each evening, and around the table for our family-style meals.

Bright queen rooms, most with desks, will give you a comfortable place to work privately, while two dining rooms, two living rooms, a bar, a hot tub, and several indoor and outdoor fireplaces will ensure plenty of common areas to enjoy being a writer among writers, and to seek inspiration from others.

Self-serve breakfasts, casual lunches, snacks throughout the day, wine and nibbles, and hearty dinners surrounded by acres of vines near Lodi, the Zinfandel capital of the world, will bring out the best of writing and living in community.

Room assignments are first come, first served. Food, drink, accommodation, and workshopping are all included.

King master suite, ensuite bath = $540/night
Queens with desks, shared bath = $440/night
Queens without desks, shared bath = $420/night




Oct 19-23, 2023

Come write in community on the banks of the Mokelumne River in the Sierra foothills. Plenty of writing nooks, both indoors and out (including a heated pool and a hot tub!) will give us lots of places to write alone or in community. Then, every evening, we will gather around the fireplace to share and discuss our work in moderated critiques, and then commune again for more casual conversation around the table at our family-style dinners.

Self-serve breakfasts, casual lunches, snacks throughout the day, wine and nibbles, and hearty dinners surrounded by acres of vines, accommodation, and workshopping are all included.

King master suite, ensuite bath = $540/night
Queens, shared bath = $450/night



An Author's Guide to Publishing: Getting Your Work into the World

Are you finally ready to get your book out to your readers? But how will you accomplish that? In this workshop, we will go step-by-step through the "submit or self-publish" decision process. We will discuss how, to paraphrase the words of Seneca, no wind is a good wind unless you know which harbor you seek. With all the options now available, which publishing route is most likely to bring you personal satisfaction and success? If you're considering the traditional route, you will find out which strategies might maximize your chance of leapfrogging the slush pile, and how to locate and identify the agents and publishers you should target. If self-publishing seems right for you, we will cover what self-publishing actually entails, flag key landmines to avoid, and assess the rewards that may be reaped from this exploding sector of the industry. Come with your questions, and leave with a decision tree and some useful handouts. The workshop will include group discussion and exercises, as well as question-and-answer time to give you an insider's peek at the publishing industry.

This course, taught with Author, Editor, and Book Coach Lisa Manterfield, proved so successful that we are currently developing a longer, deeper, multi-week workshop. If you’d like to be added to the early notifications list once we have a finalized format, syllabus, and dates, you can register to be notified here. There is absolutely no obligation on your part.

Here’s what some of the recent participants had to say about our two-day course:

Organized, efficient, knowledgeable instructors who clearly demonstrated their expertise as well as care for fully informing the students. Exceptional content and teaching.

Outstanding course. Not theory. Actual how to. Great course.

I loved how thorough it was in the help it offered to get us published.

I hope it's offered again. Sign me up!

So excellent. would take this again.

Lisa and I are about to offer an eight-week publishing intensive, Jan 9-Feb 27, 2024; 8 Tuesdays, 6:00pm-8:30pm PT, via Zoom. Some of our industry friends will also be joining us to give you the benefit of their professional experience.

Seats will be limited, but if you let us know that you’re holding these dates, you’ll get onto our first-come-first-served waiting list with no obligation to you. Then, expect to receive a detailed course syllabus and registration information in early November.


CORFu retreat

June 19-26, 2023

Writing may prove a little difficult in this converted stone farmhouse in the wooded hills of Corfu, ten minutes from the beach and even closer to the pool! But someone has to do it, and our scheduled workshopping will keep us honest.

We will gather under the trellis for meals, and share our work each evening around the table. All meals are included—self-serve breakfast, cooked lunch, wine and nibbles, and hearty dinners—with the exception of four dinners: at a local mountain taverna; at a seafood restaurant where we’ll sit with our feet in the sand; in Corfu’s most historic village; and on our last night, in Corfu Town itself.

Rates are $220 to $320/night. Airport pickup and transport on the island are included. Flights are not!



Pt. cabrillo retreat

May 11-14, 2023

Come write in community in a historic light keeper's house or neighboring cottage. There will be nothing between us and the sea except the lighthouse itself, with lots of walks on the surrounding headlands.

We will gather at the Assistant Lightkeeper's House for meals, and share our work each evening around its dining table. All meals are included: self-serve breakfast, cooked lunch, wine and nibbles, and hearty dinners.

Room assignments are first come, first served.
Queen with shared bath, ocean view = $315/night
Queen with shared bath, reserve view = $295/night
King cottage with own bath = $325/night



How to Sell Your Novel: Query Letters, Synopses, and Elevator Pitches

Stanford Continuing Studies
Wednesdays, 6:30 – 9:20 pm (PT) 8 weeks, April 19 – June 7
Course Format: Live Online

You may have spent months, or even years, working on your novel. But in today’s crowded market, to persuade an agent or a publisher to take it on, you will need to complete three additional pieces of writing: a query letter, a synopsis, and an elevator pitch (a very brief verbal summation of your novel). These are notoriously difficult to craft, so most fiction writers put them off until the last minute. But having them written and in place can be a great resource when you’re drafting or editing your novel. They’re like a flag in the hole—something to aim at. Some agents even advise writing your pitch pieces before writing your book. In this course, you will work in small breakout groups together, under my direction, step by-step through the crafting of each element of your pitching toolkit. You will workshop and critique each draft and explore different strategies according to your genre and your individual strengths. Each student will end the course with a pitch practice that will be “judged” by an invited agent or editor. This is a highly interactive course, with both individual and group exercises that will give you a new way of looking at and discussing your work. Come armed with a notebook and be prepared for homework. Leave with pitching tools that will help focus and strengthen your novel, and eventually sell your work.

This course requires a commitment to writing (max 1,000 words) between classes, and reading and critiquing the submissions of others.


three day workshop - think like an editor

The Manuscript Academy
April 11-13, 2023. All materials will be available for 30 days for replay.

When you submit your novel for publication, it has to clear the hurdle of what the industry calls the developmental, or dev, edit. This close analysis identifies structural flaws in novels that need to be fixed, and often lead to rejection.

But if you learn to think like an editor, you’ll be able to make sure that what you submit already has its key elements working. In addition to creating a satisfying arc and memorable, three-dimensional characters, you’ll be able to get rid of your “darlings,” build tension and stakes, and deliver a more competitive product.

In three sessions, developmental editor Shirin Yim Leos discusses the three main fault lines that run through a novel: plot, character, and the reader’s experience. By helping you understand how these should work and how they should work together, this class can greatly improve your chances of getting your work published.


your path to publication - with lisa manterfield

The Manuscript Academy
March 23, 2023, 5:30-7:00pm PDT

You’re finally ready to get your book out into the world—and you’re probably hoping for that “Big Five” traditional publishing deal. What can you do to improve your chances? Are there shortcuts? Landmines to avoid? And is “Big Five” really the option that will bring you the most personal satisfaction? Or are there particulars about your book or personality that make another one of today’s many publishing options the right one for you?

In this class, we’ll talk about the many paths to publishing—big five, still-big, university, small, self, hybrid, and more—and the rewards and frustrations of each. We’ll look at how your goals, your personality, and your book’s genre can help decide which option is most likely to bring you personal satisfaction, and we’ll show you what success could look like, both in our personal experiences, and with examples from all paths to publication.

Come with your preliminary ideas and questions, and leave with a publishing roadmap that’s right for you.

I will be teaching this class with Lisa Manterfield. Over the past decade, Lisa has self-published four novels, two works of non-fiction, and five non-fiction ebooks, and coached many other authors to self-publishing success. Through her blog and podcast, she has created an online community of more than 6,000 members worldwide. Her work has been published in Los Angeles Times, Psychology Today, Huffington Post, and The Saturday Evening Post.


LODI RANCH retreat - with heather lazare

March 9-13, 2023

Come write in community in a beautiful hacienda, with special guest, Dev Editor and Publishing Consultant Heather Lazare. We will gather around the fireplace to share and discuss our work each evening, and around the table for our family-style meals. Plus, Heather will be giving every participant a private read and 20-minute one-on-one consultation.

Bright queen rooms, most with desks, will give you a comfortable place to work privately, while two dining rooms, two living rooms, a bar, a hot tub, and several indoor and outdoor fireplaces will ensure plenty of common areas to enjoy being a writer among writers, and to seek inspiration from others. Self-serve breakfasts, cooked lunches, snacks through the day, wine and nibbles, and hearty dinners surrounded by acres of vines near Lodi, the Zinfandel capital of the world, will bring out the best of writing and living in community.

Room assignments are first come, first served. Food, accommodation, workshopping, and Heather Lazare’s critiques included.
Queens with desks, shared bath = $410/night



be your own developmental editor: shape your manuscript for publication

Stanford Continuing Studies CW 18
Wednesdays, 6:30 – 9:20 pm (PT) 8 weeks, January 11-March 1
Course Format: Live Online

When you send your novel to an agent or editor, your work will be evaluated from the perspective of what the industry calls the developmental edit. This close analysis aims to address flaws commonly found in novels, including those at the level of structure. In this course, you will learn how to think like a developmental editor: how to make sure that the key elements of your novel are working optimally and in unison, how to identify your “darlings,” eliminate the extraneous, and deliver a more competitive product. You will be better able to evaluate and revise your own manuscript, and you'll also be in a better position to avoid some common writing mistakes in the future, significantly improving your chances of getting your work published.

Each week, in small breakout groups, you will take a close look at your writing through the lens of a new set of editorial considerations. You will work step by step through the guided developmental edit of your synopsis and the first 5,000 words of your book, and you will give and receive feedback in group critiques facilitated by the instructor. You will leave the course with hands-on experience and actionable rubrics that can help mold your manuscript for success—so that the book you submit is the book an agent or editor is looking for.

This course is intended for novelists who have written at least the synopsis and first 5,000 words of a novel and will require writing (up to 1,000 words/week), reading (up to 15,000 words/week), and giving and receiving critiques.


LODI RANCH retreat

Jan 5-10, 2023

Come write in community in a beautiful hacienda, surrounded by acres of vines near Lodi, the Zinfandel capital of the world and home to another 124 award-winning varietals. Bright queen rooms, most with desks, will give you a comfortable place to work privately, while two dining rooms, two living rooms, a bar, a hot tub, and several indoor and outdoor fireplaces will ensure plenty of common areas to enjoy being a writer among writers, and to seek inspiration from others.

We will gather around one fireplace to share and discuss our work each evening, and around one table for our family-style meals: self-serve breakfast, cooked lunch, snacks through the day, wine and nibbles, and hearty dinners.

Room assignments are first come, first served. Food, accommodation, and workshopping included.
Queens with desks, shared bath = $310/night
Top twin bunk in bunkroom = $180/night
Bottom full bunk in bunkroom = $210/night



Improve your craft: how to show, not tell

The 2022 San Diego Writing Workshop
10:45-11:45 am (PT) Saturday, November 12, 2022
Register here
Course Format: Live Online with Access to Recording

“Show, don’t tell” is perhaps the most common advice given for writing fiction. But what exactly does it mean? Why is it so important, and how can you harness its power to bond your readers and immerse them in a created reality? This session removes all mystery surrounding this oft-quoted phrase by providing concrete examples and giving you actionable tips and writing practices that you can apply to improve your own work daily.


Anderson valley retreat

Oct 27-Nov 1, 2022

Come write in community a private hilltop near Philo in the beautiful Anderson Valley. Comfortable all-ensuite rooms with plenty of living and working areas, outdoor space and vineyard views will make this a spectacular fall retreat!

We will gather around one table outdoors to share our work each evening, and for our meals. Space heaters will be provided, but be prepared to rug up, and if it should rain, to get cozy indoors. All meals are included: self-serve breakfast, cooked lunch, snacks through the day, wine and nibbles, and hearty dinners.

Room assignments are first come, first served.
Suites with private living room and ensuite = $350/night
Deluxe with private work area and ensuite = $315/night


“That retreat broke me open and I am feeling like myself again. Blessings to you and everyone who was there.” — Susan, a participant



Oct 20, 2022; 5:30PM PT/8:30PM ET

Like most writers, you probably think you know the humble verb well. But come to this fun, interactive session and you'll discover a few new ways of evaluating your verbs to achieve explosive improvement in your writing. Participants will discover how to wield verbs to reveal more about character, setting, even aspects of plot—as well as how to use verbs to amplify drama or add the subtlest nuance. Like many before you, you might find yourself leaving this short session a stronger writer than when you started.



How to Sell Your Novel: Query Letters, Synopses, and Elevator Pitches

Stanford Continuing Studies
Tuesdays, 6:30 – 9:20 pm (PT) 7 weeks, Oct 18 – Dec 6, no class Nov 22
Course Format: Live Online

You may have spent months, or even years, working on your novel. But in today’s crowded market, to persuade an agent or a publisher to take it on, you will need to complete three additional pieces of writing: a query letter, a synopsis, and an elevator pitch (a very brief verbal summation of your novel). These are notoriously difficult to craft, so most fiction writers put them off until the last minute. But having them written and in place can be a great resource when you’re drafting or editing your novel. They’re like a flag in the hole—something to aim at. Some agents even advise writing your pitch pieces before writing your book. In this course, you will work in small breakout groups together, under my direction, step by-step through the crafting of each element of your pitching toolkit. You will workshop and critique each draft and explore different strategies according to your genre and your individual strengths. Each student will end the course with a pitch practice that will be “judged” by an invited agent or editor. This is a highly interactive course, with both individual and group exercises that will give you a new way of looking at and discussing your work. Come armed with a notebook and be prepared for homework. Leave with pitching tools that will help focus and strengthen your novel, and eventually sell your work.

This course requires a commitment to writing (max 1,000 words) between classes, and reading and critiquing the submissions of others.


How to Think Like a Developmental Editor

The 2022 Kansas City Writing Workshop
10:45-11:45 am (CT) Saturday, Aug 6, 2022
Register here
Course Format: Live Online with Access to Recording

In this seminar with Shirin Leos, we will discuss developmental vs. line- or copy-editing, what dev editors consider when editing, and exercises that can help you dev-edit yourself.


Halls of Stanford University

be your own developmental editor: shape your manuscript for publication

Stanford Continuing Studies CW 18
Tuesdays, 6:30 – 9:20 pm (PT) 6 weeks, June 21-July 26
Course Format: Live Online

When you send your novel to an agent or editor, your work will be evaluated from the perspective of what the industry calls the developmental edit. This close analysis aims to address flaws commonly found in novels, including those at the level of structure. In this course, you will learn how to think like a developmental editor: how to make sure that the key elements of your novel are working optimally and in unison, how to identify your “darlings,” eliminate the extraneous, and deliver a more competitive product. You will be better able to evaluate and revise your own manuscript, and you'll also be in a better position to avoid some common writing mistakes in the future, significantly improving your chances of getting your work published.

Each week, in small breakout groups, you will take a close look at your writing through the lens of a new set of editorial considerations. You will work step by step through the guided developmental edit of your synopsis and the first 5,000 words of your book, and you will give and receive feedback in group critiques facilitated by the instructor. You will leave the course with hands-on experience and actionable rubrics that can help mold your manuscript for success—so that the book you submit is the book an agent or editor is looking for.

This course is intended for novelists who have written at least the synopsis and first 5,000 words of a novel and will require writing (up to 1,000 words/week), reading (up to 10,000 words/week), and giving and receiving critiques.


From First Draft to Launch Day: How to Succeed on the Road to Publication

Stanford Continuing Studies CW 02
Mondays, 6:30 – 9:20 pm (PT) 6 weeks, March 28-May 2
Course Format: Live Online
Registration opens Feb 22, 8:30 am (PT)

Finishing that first draft can feel like climbing Mount Everest, but as every professional author knows, you’ve only made it to base camp, and there is still a long and arduous journey ahead on the road to publication.

How can you get an objective perspective to ensure your work is at its most competitive? How do you select agents to pitch, and then pitch your work successfully? What will make agents say yes, and what will make them stop reading beyond the first page of your manuscript? Once you’ve signed with an agent, what can you do to make sure you clinch a good sale? What are the pros and cons of small versus big publishers and traditional versus hybrid publishing? Once a deal is signed, how can you work with your in-house editor to contribute to a successful launch and maximize marketing?

This course exists to answer those questions and more. Full of insider knowledge and actionable tips, we will break down the road from first draft to book launch into manageable segments. By the end, you’ll have practical guidance on how to finish your manuscript, land an agent who can get you the right book deal, and see your book succeed in the competitive world of publishing.

This course is taught in conjunction with Susan Chang, formerly senior editor at Tor Books, an imprint of Macmillan. She began her publishing career at HarperCollins before moving on to Hyperion Books, Parachute Publishing, and Tor. She acquired and edited books for Big Four publishers for almost thirty years before recently becoming a freelance developmental editor.


Developmental Editing

Manuscript Academy
5:00-6:30 pm (PT) Thursdy, March 24, 2022
Register here
Course Format: Live Online

If you’ve ever wondered about editing as a concept–the different types, how to edit for yourself, your friends, your book, and why it often makes the difference to getting published or not–Shirin will cover all that and more. If you’re looking to hire an editor, this will give you the language to speak intelligently and negotiate effectively.

Shirin is kind, thoughtful, energetic, and creative. She met Jessica at the Mendocino Writers Conference in 2018 (a wonderful event, highly recommend), one of many stops along her teaching journey. She’s also taught at NSW Writers’ Center in Australia, the AFCC in Singapore, the Writing Salons in San Francisco and Berkeley, eight American universities including Stanford, writing conferences such as the Mendocino Coast Writers’ Conference, Write On The Sound, the Michigan Writing Workshop, the San Diego Writing Workshop, the Australian Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators National Conference, and the Book Passage Children’s Writers and Illustrators Conference. She also speaks for the Ezra Jack Keats Foundation.

You’ll have the opportunity to view her presentation live and ask your questions.

Yes, there’s a lot of great Thursday night TV. But this event could change the way you edit and write forever.


How to Think Like a Developmental Editor (and Write Well)

The 2022 Michigan Writing Workshop
10:15-11:30 am (PT) Friday, Feb 4, 2022
Register here
Course Format: Live Online with Access to Recording

A professional writer is a professional rewriter, so the adage goes. In the publishing industry, the first edit—long before line- or copy-editing come into play—is called the developmental or “dev” edit. It aims to shape the book; to challenge and thus cement its structure; and ultimately to deliver a more competitive product. Thinking like a developmental editor can help you mold your book for success even as you write; it can eventually help you edit yourself so that the book you submit is the book an editor is looking for. In this seminar, we will discuss developmental vs. line- or copy-editing, what dev editors consider when editing, and exercises that can help you dev-edit yourself.


be your own developmental editor: shape your manuscript for publication

Stanford Continuing Studies CW 18
Thursdays, 6:30 – 9:20 pm (PT) 6 weeks, Feb 3 – March 17
No class on March 10
Register here
Course Format: Live Online

When you send your novel to an agent or editor, your work will be evaluated from the perspective of what the industry calls the developmental edit. This close analysis aims to address flaws commonly found in novels, including those at the level of structure. In this course, you will learn how to think like a developmental editor: how to make sure that the key elements of your novel are working optimally and in unison, how to identify your “darlings,” eliminate the extraneous, and deliver a more competitive product. You will be better able to evaluate and revise your own manuscript, and you'll also be in a better position to avoid some common writing mistakes in the future, significantly improving your chances of getting your work published.

Each week, in small breakout groups, you will take a close look at your writing through the lens of a new set of editorial considerations. You will work step by step through the guided developmental edit of your synopsis and the first 5,000 words of your book, and you will give and receive feedback in group critiques facilitated by the instructor. You will leave the course with hands-on experience and actionable rubrics that can help mold your manuscript for success—so that the book you submit is the book an agent or editor is looking for.

This course is intended for novelists who have written at least the first 5,000 words of a novel and will require writing (up to 1,000 words), reading, and giving and receiving critiques.


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NESKOWIN retreat

Jan 6-13, 2022

Come write in community at a stunning house right on the beach in Neskowin, with an outdoor fire pit for the hardy, and several indoor fireplaces to cozy up around.

We will gather around one table for meals, and share our work each evening in front of the fire. All meals are included: self-serve breakfast, cooked lunch, snacks through the day, wine and nibbles, and hearty dinners.

Room assignments are first come, first served.
Ocean Kings with fireplace and ensuite = $320/night
Ocean Kings with ensuite = $290/night
Garden Kings with shared bath = $230/night
Twin in bunk room with shared bath = $180/night




How to Sell Your Novel: Writing Query Letters, Synopses, and Elevator Pitches

Stanford Continuing Studies
Thursdays, 6:30 – 9:20 pm (PT) 6 weeks, Oct 14 – Nov 18
Register here
Course Format: Live Online

You may have spent months, or even years, working on your novel. But in today’s crowded market, to persuade an agent or a publisher to take it on, you will need to complete three additional pieces of writing: a query letter, a synopsis, and an elevator pitch (a very brief verbal summation of your novel). These are notoriously difficult to craft, so most fiction writers put them off until the last minute. But having them written and in place can be a great resource when you’re drafting or editing your novel. They’re like a flag in the hole—something to aim at. Some agents even advise writing your pitch pieces before writing your book. In this course, we will work together, step by-step, through the crafting of each element of your pitching toolkit. We will workshop and critique each draft and explore different strategies according to your genre and your individual strengths. Each student will end the course with a pitch practice that will be “judged” by an invited agent or editor. This is a highly interactive course, with both individual and group exercises that will give you a new way of looking at and discussing your work. Come armed with a notebook and be prepared for homework. Leave with pitching tools that will help focus and strengthen your novel, and eventually sell your work. This course requires a commitment to writing (max 1,000 words) between classes, and reading and critiquing the submissions of others.


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CAMBRIA retreat

Oct 7-13, 2021

Come write in community at a beautiful spacious house in seaside Cambria. There will be big inspiring views, wrap-around decks, and contemplative walks on the bluff.

We will gather around one table for meals, and share our work each evening in front of the fire. All meals are included: self-serve breakfast, cooked lunch, wine and nibbles, and hearty dinners.

Room assignments are first come, first served.
Kings with ensuite = $315/night
Queens with ensuite = $295/night
Queens with shared bath = $270/night
Shared twins with shared bath = $233/night



the secret power of verbs

October 1-3; Write On The Sound
Course Format: Live Online

Like most writers, you probably think you know the humble verb well. Come to this fun, interactive session to discover a few new ways of evaluating your verbs to achieve explosive improvement in your writing. Participants will see how writers can wield verbs to reveal more about character, setting, even aspects of plot, as well as how to use them to shade a sentence, amplify drama or add the subtlest nuance. You will leave this session a stronger writer than when you started.



How to Think Like a Developmental Editor

July 17th; Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators
Course Format: Live Online

A professional writer is a professional rewriter, so the adage goes. In the publishing industry, the first edit—long before line- or copy-editing come into play—is called the developmental or “dev” edit. It aims to shape the book; to challenge and thus cement its structure; and ultimately to deliver a more competitive product. Thinking like a developmental editor can help you mold your book for success even as you write; it can eventually help you edit yourself so that the book you submit is the book an editor is looking for. In this four-hour workshop, we will discuss developmental vs. line- or copy-editing, what dev editors consider when editing,
and exercises that can help you dev-edit yourself.


Image by a.canvas.of.light, licensed under CC BY 2.0

Image by a.canvas.of.light, licensed under CC BY 2.0

understanding HOOK AND THEME

San Diego Writing Workshop: May 14, 2021, 4-5pm PST
Course Format: Live Online

Are you just about ready to send your book out into the world? Before you do, get an inside scoop on how best to arm yourself. Learn why everyone needs an elevator pitch (a very brief verbal summation of their novel), how to prepare yours, how to fashion it around your hook and theme, and critically, how to lose the plot. With real-life examples, concrete tips, and interactive exercises, this fun class will get your ready to be impactful and effective the next time somebody asks: What is your book about?



How to Sell Your Novel: Writing Query Letters, Synopses, and Elevator Pitches

Stanford Continuing Studies NVL 33
Wednesdays, 6:30 – 9:20 pm (PT) 6 weeks, April 21 – May 26
$480 Limit: 22
Course Format: Live Online

You may have spent months, or even years, working on your novel. But in today’s crowded market, to persuade an agent or a publisher to take it on, you will need to complete three additional pieces of writing: a query letter, a synopsis, and an elevator pitch (a very brief verbal summation of your novel). These are notoriously difficult to craft, so most fiction writers put them off until the last minute. But having them written and in place can be a great resource when you’re drafting or editing your novel. They’re like a flag in the hole—something to aim at. Some agents even advise writing your pitch pieces before writing your book. In this course, we will work together, step by-step, through the crafting of each element of your pitching toolkit. We will workshop and critique each draft and explore different strategies according to your genre and your individual strengths. Each student will end the course with a pitch practice that will be “judged” by an invited agent or editor. This is a highly interactive course, with both individual and group exercises that will give you a new way of looking at and discussing your work. Come armed with a notebook and be prepared for homework. Leave with pitching tools that will help focus and strengthen your novel, and eventually sell your work. This course requires a commitment to writing (max 1,000 words) between classes, and reading and critiquing the submissions of others.


Image by LadyDragonflyCC, licensed under CC BY 2.0

Image by LadyDragonflyCC, licensed under CC BY 2.0

How to Think Like a Developmental Editor (and Write Well)

Michigan Writing Workshop: Friday, April 9, 2:45-3:45pm ET
Course Format: Live Online

A professional writer is a professional rewriter, so the adage goes. In the publishing industry, the first edit—long before line- or copy-editing come into play—is called the developmental or “dev” edit. It aims to shape the book; to challenge and thus cement its structure; and ultimately to deliver a more competitive product. Thinking like a developmental editor can help you mold your book for success even as you write; it can eventually help you edit yourself so that the book you submit is the book an editor is looking for. In this seminar, we will discuss developmental vs. line- or copy-editing, what dev editors consider when editing and exercises that can help you dev-edit yourself.


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fiction Pitching toolkit workshop


Writing that query letter and synopsis can feel as difficult as writing the novel. Here’s your chance to create those critical documents, with detailed instruction step by step. With a writing goal set for every week and instant beta readers in a supportive environment, you’ll discover why everyone needs an elevator pitch, and how to prepare yours. You’ll explore the various ways to structure a query letter, and narrow in on an angle for your particular author’s platform. This is an interactive course with individual and group exercises that will give you the tools you need to pitch your work. Come armed with a notebook and leave ready to conquer the publishing world.


"The best workshop—ever. My novel's flaws came out in the synopsis writing exercise. Shirin's years of editing and dedicated conscientiousness also perfected my elevator pitch and query letter, which I couldn't have done on my own. It's a workshop for authors at any stage in their novels." — Doug F

“This class was so, so helpful. I joined expecting to learn how to sell my book. And I did learn how to do that! But by for the most helpful thing, which I wasn’t expecting, was how much crafting the synopsis, query, and pitch helped guide my revision. I’m now off and running on my next draft feeling like I have a clear direction and I know what the theme of my book is—and the fact that I know how I will pitch it once it’s done is the icing on the cake! — Cady O

“The workshop you are facilitating on Wednesdays has been so much more helpful than I ever dreamed! Really amazing for both my work and for learning these skills. And not least of all it has kept me working through this trying time. I just want to say thank you for doing it.” — Alicia L

“Shirin Yim Leos brings into the workshop setting expertise from her career as an award-winning author, writing coach, teacher, publisher and editor. Through well-organized presentations and visual aids, she shares her knowledge with generosity, grace and humor. Her workshops promote participation in creative community that can sustain writers throughout their careers.” — Jane A  


Pt. cabrillo retreat

Nov 19-22, 2020

Come write in community at a lightkeeper's house or neighboring cottage. There will be nothing between us and the sea except the lighthouse itself, with lots of walks on the surrounding headlands.

We will gather at the Assistant Lightkeeper's House for meals, and share our work each evening around its dining table. All meals are included: self-serve breakfast, cooked lunch, wine and nibbles, and hearty dinners.

Room assignments are first come, first served.
Queen with shared bath in Assistant Lightkeeper's House = $270/night
King with shared bath in Assistant Lightkeeper's House = $285/night
King cottage with own bath = $300/night





Sept 3-6, 2020

We’re going back to one of our original and most beloved (and hard to get into!) retreat venues. Green Gulch is a serene Buddhist monastery with its own organic gardens. The retreat includes three delicious vegetarian meals a day, from the bounty of those gardens. We will have the Lindisfarne Guest House all to ourselves. Each bedroom has its own writing desk and a large window onto serene views. Plus, we’ll have the Wheelwright Center meeting room all day on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday for quiet group writing and evening critiques.

All rooms share a washroom (sink and toilet). There's one shower in the guesthouse shared between the 12 rooms, or male and female showers in the steam room down a short path. A 50% deposit is needed to secure your booking.* This is 100% refundable if there's still a Stay in Place order in effect in September.

Nightly rates including evening workshopping and nine meals (Th Sept 3: D; F and S Sept 4&5: BLD; Sun Sept 6: BL):

King rooms = $275/night
Queen rooms = $250/night



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your pitching toolkit — mcwc publishing bootcamp

August 2, 2020

Are you just about ready to send your book out into the world? Before you do, get an inside scoop on how best to arm yourself. Learn why everyone needs an elevator pitch, how to prepare yours—and critically, how to lose the plot. Discover the difference between a query and a book proposal, the various ways to structure a query letter, and how to angle your author’s platform. This is an interactive class with individual and group exercises that will give you a new way of looking at and discussing your work. After all, to sell a book you need to know how to talk about it. Come armed with a notebook and leave ready to conquer the publishing world—or at least with a concrete strategy to get there.